Thursday, November 5, 2009

Technical Resource for Incident Prevention

This is an excellent program that I have belonged to for over three years and the information is applicable for those in emergency management at the local, regional, state and federal level who work in terrorism and homeland security training, planning, information sharing and exercises. You will need to go through a verification process to gain access to TRIPwire. Reminder a majority of the information on TRIPwire is public safety/law enforcement sensitive (LES) and is not to be shared with the general public.

TRIPwire (Technical Resource for Incident Prevention) is a secure, online information-sharing network for law enforcement, bomb squads, and other first responders to learn about current terrorist bombing tactics, techniques, and procedures, including improvised explosive device (IED) design and emplacement.

TRIPwire serves the bombing prevention community as a consolidated and expert-validated resource of near real-time information on improvised explosives and IEDs, relevant news, and threat alerts.

By combining expert analysis and reports with relevant documents, images, and video gathered directly from terrorist sources, TRIPwire helps homeland security professionals anticipate, identify, and prevent bombing incidents.

The secure, restricted-access information sharing network is provided free of charge by the Office for Bombing Prevention (OBP) to members of the bombing prevention community only. For more information about the TRIPwire system, please contact the Office for Bombing Prevention at or through the TRIPwire Help Desk,

Thanks again and be safe,

August Vernon

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