Friday, November 6, 2009

NO COST Training Materials: Active Shooter, Mass Shootings, 4th/5th Generation Warfare

NO COST Training Materials: Active Shooter, Mass Shootings, 4th/5th Generation Warfare

Thoughts and prayers for the families, civilians and soldiers at Fort Hood.

Active Shooter and 4th/5th Generation Warfare PPT, video materials and references:


Preparation for and Response to Mass Shooting Events
Mass shooting events are becoming more common, and the response to theminvolves every public safety agency for miles around. This program detailsthe actions that fire and EMS agencies can take to prepare themselves forthis all-too-likely event, and the actions they can take when the eventoccurs.

It covers: Multi-agency planning and preparation Creating a prevention environment Command, command post and crowd control issues for this kind of event An overview of the tactics that agencies should be familiar with This program is available in two formats. The 40+ PowerPoint slidepresentation covers the material thoroughly, while the 45-minute videoprogram is a verbal presentation of the PowerPoint material.

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