Monday, November 16, 2009

Mass Violence Planning and Response Overview

Mass Violence Overview

A rapid, safe and successful response to a mass violence incident requires preparation. The tragic attacks such as Fort Hood, Virginia Tech and Mumbai, India present a current and emerging threat to all response and planning agencies at the local, state and federal levels. Responders are not only faced with the possibility of large numbers of victims during these incidents, but also with serious threat of harm and death to personnel.

During the Mass Shootings Planning and Response course I teach one of the key bullet points that gets alot of positive discussion is the multi-agency pre-planning efforts. These incidents can occur in any jurisdiction, big or small, urban or rural and it is important that responders at all levels have a basic understanding of the current and emerging threats from these types of incidents.

One of the best and most cost-effective means of planning for these incidents is pulling together all your key agencies to discuss this situation/response. (Yes another meeting). These agencies should include:

Emergency Management Offices
Law Enforcement Agencies
Fire Departments
Emergency Medical Services
Military Personnel (If located near an installation or facility)
Fusion Center Operations
Joint Terrorism Task Force Operations (If located near a JTTF)
Public Safety Special Operation Teams

Reminder that training for these mass violence situations can be a difficult endeavor in which there is no substitute for hands-on training and exercising. And the best way to approach this is with a multi-agency approach. if you rely on other agencies in your plans you need to meet with these agencies before hand. Your networking efforts will help as you move along with your planning, training and exercises.

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