Thursday, September 23, 2010

Terror Threat "Most Significant Since 9/11"

Terror Threat "Most Significant Since 9/11"

Interesting to see that we continue to get numerous warnings from federal and intelligence officials on this current and emerging threat. Several assessments continue show that the threat may be a primarily "limited scale" attacks where the terrorists can utilize limited resources and funding such as mass shootings (Fort Hood), bombings (IED/HME/VBIED), complex attacks (Belsan and Mumbia), etc. Planning and response issue that emergency management agencies need to keep as a focus with multi-agency planning and exercises.

Two new and comprehensive news reports reference this topic:

"Significant Developments in Terror Threats Since 9/11, Officials Say"

"Risk of small-scale attacks by al-Qaeda and its allies is rising, officials say"

Thanks again and be safe!

August Vernon

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