Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Multi-Attack Terror Plots

Multi-Attack Terror Plots

We continue to get numerous warnings from officials on this current and emerging threat with the recent increased reporting today on the credible threats of possible Multi-Attack Terror Plots. These attacks are very similar to the Mumbia, India and Beslan attacks that can also be referred to as a combination/complex attacks.

These atatcks involve well-armed, commando-style teams of jihadists planning to seize Western hostages and murder them, in a manner similar to the siege of two Indian hotels in Mumbai two years ago in which 10 gunmen killed 166 people and injured more than 300.

One excellent resource on these type of threats in the book "Terror at Beslan" by John Gidduck. The book is available at and is a great source of information on the incident and is only book on the Beslan School attack that provides insights into the Russian government in their planning and ultimate rescue operation. "Terror at Beslan" is applicable to law enforcement, intelligence officials, emergency management and even school system planners.

Keep the communications channels open between law enforcement and emergency management! Thanks again and be safe!

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