Friday, December 18, 2009

First Responder Critical Incident Guide

First Responder Critical Incident Guide identifies key functions that are essential for first responders (Fire, EMS, Law Enforcement, Special Teams, Military, etc.) during the first 10–30 minutes of a “critical incident”. It addresses recognition, identification and response issues that first responders must deal with prior to the arrival of those with specialized training and equipment.

Critical Incident Guide (323065) is extremely durable for field use. It is printed on synthetic paper that is tearproof and waterproof and has large readable type for low light and flashlight conditions.

In addition to a general overview of first responder responsibilities on the scene of a critical incident, it contains easy-to-follow response procedures for the following incidents:

• Bottle Bombs
• Improvised Explosive Devices
• Vehicle Borne Improvised Explosive Device (VBIED)
• Continued IED Threat / Attack
• Suspicious Letter / Package Indicators
• Suspicious Powders / Substances Indicators and Response
• Clandestine Drug Labs
• Indoor Marijuana Grow Operations
• Civil Unrest Planning and Response
• Mass Shooting / Active Shooter
• Fire/EMS Scene Safety at Scenes of Violence
• Suicide Bomber
• Bomb Threats
• Explosives Post-Blast Response

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