Monday, October 5, 2009

Who is August Vernon

August Vernon is currently an Assistant Coordinator for the Forsyth County Office of Emergency Management, North Carolina. August returned to his position at Emergency Management after a year in Iraq as a security contractor conducting long-range convoy security operations involved in several IED and combative engagements. Vernon has been employed in Emergency Management for nine years and also served as a member of the fire service and a fire service instructor. He also served in the U.S. Army as a CBRN (Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear) Operations Specialist. Mr. Vernon teaches courses in Incident Management, Emergency Management, HazMat Operations and Terrorism/WMD Planning-Response. He also provides specialized emergency services planning and training on critical incidents at the local, regional, state and federal level. August is a writer and member of the IFSTA WMD/Terrorism Committee. Since 2004 he has served as technical reviewer for the development of six different training films produced by the Emergency Film Group. He has also written over 25 nationally published articles and is also author of the new First Responders Critical Incident Field Guide published by Red Hat Publishing.

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