Friday, January 29, 2010

MIPT Terrorism Warnings & Indicators Card

MIPT Terrorism Warnings & Indicators Card

Excellent resource that briefly describes suspicious key indicators. Excellent tool for responders. Remember prevention is the key!

Monday, January 25, 2010

Summary for "On Combat"

This is an excellent read and the latest from Lt.Col.Dave Grossman, a retired U.S.Army Ranger and Pulitzer nominated writer of “On Killing” and “Stop Teaching Our Kids To Kill.” Col. Grossman has become a nationally recognized subject matter expert on violence and the education of law enforcement officers.

On Combat looks at what happens to the human body under the stresses of
deadly battle the impact on the nervous system, heart, breathing, visual and
auditory perception, memory - then discusses new research findings as to what
measures warriors can take to prevent such debilitation's so they can stay in
the fight, survive, and win.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

WMD and Terrorism Commission To Issue Report Card Grading Government on Protecting the United States

WMD and Terrorism Commission To Issue Report Card Grading Government on Protecting the United States

The Commission on the Prevention of Weapons of Mass Destruction Proliferation and Terrorism was created by Congress to address the grave threat that the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction poses to the United States . Its report, World At Risk, identified 13 recommendations consisting of 49 actions that Congress and the Administration should take to change the trajectory of risk.

More information about the Commission, including the interim report, is available at

Friday, January 15, 2010

Report - Protecting the Force: Lessons From Fort Hood

Report - Protecting the Force: Lessons From Fort Hood

Report Finds Shortfalls in Countering Internal Threats

The shooting spree allegedly perpetrated by a self-radicalized soldier of Muslim faith has revealed shortcomings in the Defense Department’s ability to counter dangerous outside influences on the military, Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates said today.

Gates disclosed this and several other key findings of a broad review he ordered after Army Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan allegedly killed 13 people in a Nov. 5 shooting rampage at Fort Hood, Texas.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Beslan and Lessons Learned

This is a a great book and I have read it multiple times. Excellent reference material for those involved in emergency management, safety and critical infrastructure planning, protection and assessments.

Read the only book on the Beslan School attack that provides insights into
the Russian government and Special Forces in their planning and ultimate
rescue operation. No other author had access to these sources, and the
information provided by them got THE AUTHOR BANNED FROM RUSSIA!

The complete and accurate story of the Beslan School Siege that occurred in
Russia on September 1, 2004.

A book about the victims, the soldiers who were there, the history of the
events leading up to the tragic incident, and the lessons America can learn
to protect itself from terrorism. But it is more than just a story. Terror
at Beslan highlights the lessons of America's school system can learn from
the tragedy to protect itself from terrorism.

Following is a link directly to the book order page

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Release of the Security Review Conducted After the Failed Christmas Terrorist Attack

Release of the Security Review Conducted After the Failed Christmas Terrorist Attack

The review of our security and intelligence systems following the attempted terrorist attack on Christmas Day has been completed. The President spoke two days ago about "the urgency of getting this right," and the identification of failures in this review, along with the immediate ordering of reforms and corrective steps both today and in the days since this incident, are a recognition of that urgency. This review is also a recognition that while there is no place for partisanship and the old Washington blame game in dealing with Al Qaeda and the threat they represent, keeping American safe depends on honest and direct accountability.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

School Shooters/Teen Killers

Could be a good program for those involved in threat assessments, mass violence planning, training and exercises.

Phil Chalmers will be making another appearance on the E! Network the evening of February 3rd, on a show called "Too Young To Kill." Don't miss this moving 2 hour program featuring over a dozen teen killers, and their stories.

Phil has interacted with numerous teen killers, school shooters, sexual predators, and serial killers, including Charles Manson, David "Son of Sam" Berkowitz, the Hillside Strangler, Pearl school shooter Luke Woodham, Moses Lake school shooter Barry Loukaitis, Jonesboro school shooter Mitchell Johnson, Paducah school shooter Michael Carneal, and hundreds more.